HAPPY 77TH INDPENDENCE DAY- India is’Vishwa-Mitra’


We at Eshadoot wish a very happy 77th Independence Day of India to all of our readers and subscribers, as we progress towards the fourth quarter to make it a century in 2047.

Like many of you I too was eager to listen to our beloved PM Modiji’s address, 10th in the row to the nation and as usual he never disappoints.

Most NRI’s like myself born in India and living abroad feel the excitement as 15th August approaches, bringing back the memories of flag hoisting ceremony and singing anthem in school, sight of colourful army bands, marches, abundance of cultural programmes and of course the imposing Red Fort

Indians and more so, the NRI’s want far stable and strong India.

A quick look at current geo-political situation through broadsheets headlines does not take long to realise that India is the only largest democracy with 1.4 billion population comprising highest number of under 30’s youth with successful in maintaining the sense of peace and security unlike other post-colonial independent countries in Asia and Africa.

The last 9 years of Modi government has proven beyond doubt that a democratically elected party with the right leadership can steer growth, maintain and promote progress and give hope to a diverse populace following variety of religions, dialects, languages and cultures.

Modiji reminded us of how the opportunity has come to eradicate the mindset of over 1,000 years of foreign rule, and that India’s stance of being ‘Vishwa Mitra’ – Friend of the World after Covid is well received not only on humanitarian level but as a formidable contributor in the World affairs.

He asked the nation to join him in his successful fight against corruption, nepotism involving ‘bhai bhatija’ -Parivardvad and Trushtikaran, appeasement to selected group of class/religious followers to get votes.

The stats coming out of India in last decade are mind boggling, whether recovery of taxes, stopping black market money circulation, opening of highways, railway routes, spread heading the Solar Alliance of countries, helping the poor, the army, securing border, rising economy, innovative technology including launching Chandryan-3 to name a few.

For the sub-continent representing a fifth of world population any advancement makes significant impact on rest of the countries. Modiji gives that hope, especially to the youth who have a lot to look forward to in his next term.

We NRI’s re confident that India will never leave us and now Maa Bharati is cared for by a dedicated Sevak in Modiji and thousands under his direction for whom the rest of us are his own family.

We salute and love our Motherland and pray that we have the same strength as many like Shivaji, Gandhiji, Bhagat Singh, Netaji, Savarkar who sacrificed and fought for independence and now it is our job to protect, nurture and make it flourish under the right leadership.

Jai Hind: Desh Premi@eshadoot


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