Hinduism as an entirety has encountered bullying and demeaning comments – from both; the older and so called more mature individuals however also surprisingly the youth and new generation children. It is upsetting to witness the oldest culture, civilisation and history which is also extremely influential and Mother to the new age beliefs and religions receive such mockery – after advocating nothing more than peace, self-awareness and the dismissal of worldly matters.

This is the only practice which gives total freedom to the individuals to find their own path and wisdom. That is the reason people from all over the world call Hindus their Gurus (Teachers) who have the knowledge of meditation to enlighten the soul.

With this being said I would like to present facts in a basic form to allow all audiences to understand the principles and truths about Hinduism. With this being said I would like to present facts in a basic form to allow all audiences to understand the principles and truths about Hinduism.

  1. Hinduism is a raw and pure belief of life, Dharma, rather than a religion. It was given the title of being a religion to water down the truths withheld.
  2. The Shivalinga is a natural oval/ cylinder shape representing entire energy of universes and not at all depicting the private part of Lord Shiva. ‘Linga’ meaning sign or form, while ‘Shivalinga’ meaning symbol of Lord Shiva
  3. Satipratha was practiced wrongly in the name of Hinduism forgetting the essence of a highly devoted wife who sacrificed her life in penance when her father insulted her husband.
  4. Worshipping cows and trees is to show respect and gratitude knowing how essential they are for our environment and human life; which modern science has recently started to prove. We find God in every entity and object.
  5. We also worship snakes because they are the most sensitive and wise species. They catch the aura and frequency of highly enlightened intellectual person within seconds.
  6. Our ‘monkey God’ displayed selflessness and eight special abilities which were enforced to help others; making him a role model as humans still fail to highlight this kindness to one another. To educate a little more He is not a monkey, He is a VANARA which means Nar (human species) who resides in Vana (jungle)
  7. We do have multiple Gods just as there are multiple elements and emotions of life; they all derive from a singular God – “Virat Roop”

The list is long however these are the basic points for our young children. To understand in depth about this beautiful practice of how to live life, you need to get out of the myth that we are Hindus following Hinduism.

Hindu is not originally an Indian word. It is a word given by the Greeks, then the Persians, to refer to the land and peoples beyond the Indus (or Sindhu) River. The term “Hinduism” came into common use only in the 19th century. The ‘ism’ is created by missionaries from West. We are Sanatanis and Sanatan (that which doesn’t have a beginning) is our Dharama (righteous duty not religion).

None of our scriptures say we are Hindus but Aryas and Sanatanis.

BY: Priya Lekha@eshadoot




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  1. Thanks very much Priya ji for highlighting the fake info propagated by the colonisers. I too find the sufffix ‘ism’ attached to our faith very disturbing.
    We all know about Hindu kush mountains a derogatory word used in Afghanistan
    Our way of living as you rightly mention is under attack from all sides whether the bakwasi BBC or other Western media. School curriculum should be appended to enlighten ouf youngsters because there’s nothing like making them feel confused curtsey anti Hindu sentiments