Vande Mataram mandatory in BMC schools


MUMBAI: A proposal by a BJP corporator making ‘Vande Mataram’ mandatory in all civic schools in Mumbai was passed in the BMC general body meeting. The proposal will now be sent to the BMC commissioner for his remarks.

The proposal, however, was sternly opposed by the Samajwadi party in the BMC who claimed that by making a song compulsory would mean worshipping the motherland however in the Muslim community they do not worship anyone apart from ‘Allah’.

The Samajwadi party leader in the BMC Rais Shaikh along with all his six party corporators in the civic house demanded a poll over the issue which was not considered. “While I am not opposed to singing Of Vande Mataram but there is no need for making it mandatory in BMC schools. I also love my motherland but according to our religion ‘vandan’ is allowed only for ‘Allah and no one else. Therefore, this proposal being passed upset us greatly,” said Shaikh who along with his other party corporators staged a walkout from the BMC.

At the BMC general body meeting held on Thursday, the BJP corporator from Goregoan Sandeep Patel tabled a notice of motion demanding that Vande Mataram should be compulsorily sung in all BMC schools twice a week. “The song as such would only increase patriotism in the minds of children. Therefore, I strongly felt that the BMC should consider this proposal, ” said Patel adding that he was also of the opinion that the song should be sung in all BMC statutory committee


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  1. The Communists, smajwadi party and or congress won’t agree because thet
    can loose their vote bank.