Singer Anuradha Paudwal seeks ban on loudspeakers Azaan


Veteran singer Anuradha Paudwal seeks ban on loudspeakers Azaan, says even Muslim countries have banned it

On April 5, veteran singer Anuradha Paudwal expressed her views on the issue of playing Azaan on loudspeakers during an interview with Zee News. She said though she was not against any religion, things are unnecessarily exaggerated and promoted in India. She was referring to the practice of playing Azaan on loudspeakers in Mosques across the country. She added while travelling across the world, including Muslim nations, she noticed playing Azaan on loudspeakers is banned.

She said, “I have visited many places in the world. I have not seen anything like this happening except in India. I am not against any religion, but it is being forcibly encouraged here. They play Azaan on loudspeakers from Mosque. Other communities question if they can use loudspeakers why cannot others do the same.”

She further added, “I have travelled to Middle Eastern countries. There is a ban on loudspeakers. When Muslim countries are discouraging it, what is the need for such practices in India?” Paudwal said if the practice continues, people will start playing Hanuman Chalisa on loudspeakers. “It will lead to disharmony, which is not good,” she said.

Teach the young generation about Indian culture

Speaking on Navratri and Ramnavmi, the singer said that the young generation should be aware of the Indian culture. It is the responsibility of the older generation to teach children about the culture of the country. They should know that Adi Shankaracharya is our religious leader. She pointed out how Christians know about Pope as their religious leader. “This is why we should know about our religion and culture. We should know about four Vedas, 18 Puranas and four Mathas that we have. These are the basics that we must know,” she said. (OPindia)


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  1. I remember that Sonu Nigam also made the same point and it is noticeable even in a small city like Morvi in Gujarat which I visited two years ago to be rudely woken up by the noise. All kinds of noise pollution should be banned rather than allowing one particular religion to carry on as if they represent majority