Kashmir Hindu Foundation Inc hails Historic decision of Full & Final integration of J & K with the Union of India




Washington DC (USA), Dated August 5, 2019

KHF hails the historic decision of Full & Final integration of the State of Jammu and Kashmir with the Union of India

Demands declaration of all the properties, sold by the displaced Kashmiri Pandits after 1989-90, as “Distress Sales”

Kashmiri Hindu Foundation-KHF welcomes scrapping of Article 370 and thereby allowing unfettered implementation of Indian Constitution to the State of Jammu and Kashmir now a Union Territory.

KHF has been making efforts for last many years influencing policy makers both in India and abroad including meetings with Narendra Modi highlighting the plight of Kashmiri Pandit community who were ethnically cleansed to leave their homes and properties in the valley. The time was ripe for a bold move and we congratulate the government.

Today’s move will deliver a mortal blow to separatists and the sponsors of terrorism in the Valley and pave the way towards rehabilitated of Kashmiri Pandit’s to the land of their ancestors.

KHF also demands declaring all the properties, movable and immovable, sold by the displaced Kashmiri Pandits after 1989-90, as “Distress Sales” and declare sales as null and void and accordingly, restore possession of the properties back to respective Kashmiri Pandits who were recorded owners. Government should also impose a blanket ban on the acquisition of the abandoned properties belonging to Kashmiri Pandits.

In addition, Kashmir Hindu Foundation Inc. demands a high powered commission led by Supreme Court Justice to look into Kashmiri Hindu genocide and punish the culprits.

Ankit Monga

Kashmir Hindu Foundation, Inc


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  1. Following on from yesterday’s great news for India KHF are absolutely right in demading reinstatemnet of their rightful assets which were no doubt sold off under duress. Any human being who loves his or her family will do that in the midst of terrorist threat. The world and the media in general do not want to talk about the Hindu genocide of Kashmir and this is the moment to raise the issue- Amnesty Internatinal, where were you in 1989 ?