Dr Subramanian Swamy and the Indian Diaspora


I travelled early, from Nottingham, to The Nehru Centre in West London, to attend the Indian Diaspora and British Politics Interactive Seminar with Dr Subramanian Swamy, on 19 March 2017. The event was organised jointly by The Overseas Friends of the BJP, OFBJP and The National Hindu Council of Temples, NCHT (UK).  It is to be noted, that by coincidence, this event took place on the day after the new Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath, had been announced, and was on the day of his swearing in ceremony, in India.

The morning started with a photoshoot, professional photos were taken with   Dr S Swamy, which was very popular. The warm but dull start to the morning became brighter with this photo opportunity.  It was a real honour to be in the same room as the famous and fearless Dr S Swamy.


The event started on time and was very well organised. The seminar started upstairs with the lighting of the holy Diya and chanting of mantras by Pandit Madhu Shastri ji.

Apart from, Dr S Swamy the other luminaries present were Dr Iyer from the USA, and           Mr Satish Sharma of the NCHT UK.    Dr Iyer, founder of pgurus, www.pgurus.com , is an American based eminent entrepreneur, who strives to present India’s business, politics and culture, to the outside world, as stated on the website.  He launched his book NDTV Fraud during the opening session of the Seminar. This book gives well researched insights into the rather nefarious activities and workings of NDTV, and is a must read for the DeshPremi.   It is well known that NDTV regularly gives voice to and promotes the large number of Hindu phobic Indians in India.   NDTV is perceived by some to be Nehru Dynasty television, though it may have changed its stance somewhat post 2014.

The book launch was followed by Satish Sharma presenting and explaining the Caste, Conversion and a ‘thoroughly Colonial Conspiracy’ document. This is timely, as the Caste legislation continues to be discussed in the British parliament, and this is the bane of Dharmic. This document will be distributed widely in the UK.  The aim is to force the British Parliament to repeal the Caste clause in the 2010 Equality Act, for obvious reasons.   Satish argues that there is no such thing as caste, but that there is jati and Varna.  These were not birth based, or rigid, as has been falsely expounded.   He advocated that the long term aim is to remove the concept of caste.  He also introduced a new word Hindu odium, instead of Hindu phobia, with a logical explanation.


Dr S Swamy had travelled from India to be in London for this event, to support the cause of the anti-caste legislation. He was eloquent in outlining recent and past Bharatiya history, much of which has been a distorted view presented by the Colonials, relating to Bharatiya politics and Bharatiya people. He indicated clearly the need for uniting the Dharmic/ Indic religions, i.e. those religions that were born in Bharat.  These are of course, the Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists.  He paid tribute to the fact that it was the Sikhs, who were actually Hindus, who saved the Hindu community and ended the Moghul Empire in Bharat.  He explained that the unity of the Dharmic religions is crucial for the prosperity and future of the Bharatiya society.

He also recounted with relish and in detail, how he had  spent  6 months in exile in the  UK, during  the days of  ‘The Emergency’, when 140,000 Indians  were jailed  in India ,without trial and many were held  in solitary confinement. He formed the Friends of India Society and held a rally in Hyde Park, in the UK. It seemed to many that he was the embodiment of Chankaya, bold and intelligent, who is on a mission to unite Bharat, like Chanakya had united Bharat and had made Bharat great centuries ago.

Dr Swamy further explained that citizenship is one part of one’s identity. The civilisation of the country of one’s origin, also has an identity, and the Indian diaspora carries that identity with it. He further pointed out  that society is not run by doctors and dentists, but by the police, judiciary and parliament, and thus encouraged the Indian diaspora to  pursue a wider set of careers, in order to be more engaged in the society that they are living in.

A very interactive and informative question and answer session followed, and a wide range of topics related to the Indian diaspora were discussed further.

The event was rounded off by healthy Indian food for lunch.

Author: Dr.Sudha Vashist@Eshadoot

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  1. People wants to see more constructive actions.Policies how reforms will be done should be known to public .Good luck to every one.

  2. It’s a pity I missed Dr Swamy’s visit and I am sure those who attended must have been rewarded with his oratory, knowledge and constant striving to uphold all things Bharatiya. No wonder the zealots such as NDTV promoters are fearful of him and unbelievably, he is banned from giving his points of view at leading universities debates in the UK because we do not unite against those who want to damage our age old religion and principles here. I would recommend all DeshPremis to boycott NDTV as well as be tactful in local or general elections to ensure that the Labour party does not get away with Hindu votes in the marginal constituencies as clearly they continue to empower the others. It is well know fact that in some wards of boroughs such as Newham, Walthamstow and Redbridge the Hindus have no representation. Hindu interests are continually eroded in Labour controlled administration and just like the Congress party was ousted we should all work together to politically support a mainstream party (and we know who they are) which strengthens the Hindu view point in the British politics otherwise the efforts of Dr Swamy and Dr Iyer will go waste.

  3. It is nice to know that Dr Subramanian Swamy was here in UK. I was not aware that DR S Swamy is coming here. I suggest that you should inform us a week or two before the arrival of such great personalities so that more and more people could benefit by listening and meeting such a good orator and knowledgeable personality.

  4. It is so pleasing to read in detail your publication. For people like us who are aged and in poor health, it is not possible to attend such events. So we rely on you to keep us informed and you do a wonderful job. Thanks to Bharat Parmer for his wonderful understanding of our struggle, strength and shortfalls. I was a journalist, now retired but still write actively in Asian Voice and have my own column “From Far and Near” in upmarket magazine India Link, edited by Shri Krishan Raleigh. My two popular novels Ivory Tower and Olive Grove are worth a read, even if borrowed from a local library.