When one finds a true Guru, One conquers half the world


For decades, Western culture has been reluctant to assign an inherent value or a purpose to art – even as it continues to hold art in high esteem. In what way might art be good for us? The answer, I believe, is that art is a therapeutic instrument: its value lies in its capacity to exhort, console and guide us toward better versions of ourselves and to help us live more flourishing lives, individually and collectively.

Art’s capacity to shock remains for some a strong source of its contemporary appeal. We are conscious that, individually and collectively, we may grow complacent; art can be valuable when it disrupts or astonishes us.

Art is the one and only platform where we can customize our imagination accordingly, one can build their study of nature or their expertise in depth .Art is what whereTHE SKY IS PINK AND CLOUDS ARE GREEN “

On this auspicious day of guru Purima: I, am glad to share my experience in drawing and painting from the age of six, love it because – enjoy it. Being the artist is honor for me experiencing new thing, study different arts and inhabitant culture of art galleries, my specialty is to paint thoughtful art.

I got my art education from my loving teacher Dr.Richa Navani. She taught me new concepts and always appreciates me even the painting was not so good that’s what a guru do this makes me encourage to achieve my goals and try to do better, every young child who believe in himself is a parent who believe first, winning is something and participation is everything and now am feel the best method of learning.

Recently went to an art exhibition ,the solo exhibition of Seema Panday showcases one of her recent works which are presenting at Triveni gallery in Delhi from 11 July 2022 to 20th July 2022, curated by Jitendra Padam Jain under Gallery Sree Arts. All these dualities can be explored from 11 am to 7 pm. The show starts from 11th of July. This is organized by Gallery Sree Arts which already holds a cap of many successful exhibitions.

Program Head Annkush B. Sharma says we can not only give respect and regards to only humans who has motivated us, though nature has given us so much, we should also do something for it to nurture, this will be the best gift on Guru Purnima.

Annkush B. Sharma holds a Diploma in painting from Bangiya Sangeet Parishad, West Bengal and M.B.A. from Amity University, Noida. He started taking interest in art in 2009 that profound interest turned into profession as Co-Curator with Gallery Sree Arts under the supervision of Jitendra Padam Jain. He participated in the group exhibitions organized by Gallery Sree Arts at Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Delhi, India Habitat Centre Delhi, Roerich Art Gallery Naggar, to name a few. His main aim to paint and to give a social message through his art. He has chosen theme ‘water conservation’ and put an installation at IGNCA, which has been appreciated by art connoisseurs. He showed, if we will not conserve water, then water will be treated like nectar in future, and also can be a cause of destruction through war between nations. He thinks, colour and canvas is a profound medium where artist can perform by giving any social message for the upliftment of the society. For that he got awarded by Life of Vision Foundation and Janki Devi Vocational Centre Delhi.

Annkush is planning to showcase his creativity in his upcoming exhibition in Bulgaria soon. He is now majorly in constituting exhibitions, workshops and art-residencies.

Anyone can be a teacher but seldom one transcends to become a guru. While a teacher imparts knowledge by using methodological tools, a guru enlightens the mind of the learner by leading a life through example. In the Indian Diaspora, the guru-shish parampara — which is now a fading phenomenon — goes beyond the bond that exists between a teacher and a student. In India, the guru, doesn’t tutor the students but inspires them to follow a specific way of life. As the legend goes, Guru Purina falls on the full moon day, in the month of Mashhad (monsoon). It marks the birth anniversary of Veda Vaasa — the author and a character in the epic, Mahabharata.

To celebrate the rich tradition of Guru Purina a day dedicated to the mentors some popular artists from Delhi share their memories and experiences with their gurus.

Master isn’t the body, Guru is light, Guru is astuteness, and light and shrewdness are fundamental in human existence. At the point when one’s life and astuteness are indivisible, then, at that point, you call them Sad guru or Guru.

When is it workable for the insight in you to stay in one piece? At the point when you are not engaged with a circumstance. You could have seen that you offer extraordinary guidance when you are not engaged with a specific circumstance. In any case, when you are in a tough situation, you don’t get those thoughts. This is on the grounds that intelligence day breaks when you are out of the wreck.

In the event that there is shrewdness, how is it that there could be a wreck? A wreck wouldn’t be there by any stretch of the imagination. Thus, the Guru is one who is out of the wreck and who watches the disorder in the midst of the turmoil.

You probably knew about something many refer to as circuit breakers. At the point when the additional charge power comes, the circuit breakers stop the overabundance stream of power and save the mechanical assembly. You can say that the Guru is such an electrical switch.

At the point when there is something that the psyche can’t deal with, the Guru comes into saves the brain. Thus, anything you can’t deal with, whatever shows up a lot for you, offer it to the Guru, so you stay rational and adjusted.

Similarly, when there is a convincing craving that messes with your brain, then likewise the Guru is there with unqualified love and backing to tell you, ‘Just relax, we should get it going for you.’

Master Purina is the day of feeling thankful for this wellspring of intelligence that keeps you adjusted in the midst of the difficulties of presence and permits you to stroll with certainty and with a dream.

It is said once you have a Guru, then, at that point, the task is finished! Opportunity is accomplished.

(Written By :Anannya kaushik,New Delhi)

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  1. Many congratulations Anannya Kaushik, feeling proud for having a graceful grand daughter sweetheart… Your father is always my favourite student, with the time he was one of the best faculty even. I saw the same spirit you have… Lots of blessings dear for your bright career… 💞🌷💞

  2. Many congratulations Anannya You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. Hooray! What else could we say after that awesomeness? Congratulations, Anannya Kaushik!