We should all be proud that a first ever UK Hindu Prime Minister called for an early and unexpected election on 4th July 2024 to decide the fate, not only of the country but the ruling Conservative Party.

Successive elections, whether National or Local, have proven that we as a community are neither well informed, nor organised and live in a dreamworld as if voting and partaking in the democratic process is someone else’s business. Which is where we have gone wrong. You must look within M25 and in some councils, Hindu sounding councillors’ names can be counted on fingertips. Despite being net contributors to the economy and therefore taxes we are the least recipients of Government benefits and services as the others keep on taking what is not theirs. Somehow, we have a mindset as in India where temple takings are state controlled and do not aid the very religious community who give.

We also know that the Labour party have over the years fermented ethno-religious divide by favouring their vote bank as seen in recent London Mayoral elections. It’s bizarre that attempts are made to divert the narrative to Israel Gaza war as if it is the main issue for UK.

So where do the Hindus fit in? Should we not tactfully and remember the constant barrage of anti-Modi and anti-India propaganda churned out regularly by some members of the Labour Party? Remember how one their upper house members headed a group who managed to tear down the Indian flag during the Commonwealth summit visit by Modi ji? Are your children given places to schools in your neighbourhoods? Do you feel indirectly harassed because of your religion by ‘jobs for vote’ appointed staff reeking of nepotism if living in a Labour run council? Are you upset by the negative portrayal of Hindus by BBC? Will you like your hard-earned honest cash kept for inheritance summarily taken away for redistribution by the Labour Party?

Rishi Sunak handled the Covid situation well, gave Furlo options and business loans, not to mention eat out to help out schemes, the latter exploited for self-benefit by small kebab shops with ghost diners! And guess who owns them. Labour has not said much about immigration as it will be against their DNA, why would they turn away their vote bank?

The writer is of the opinion that Indian and Sanatan Dharma values shared by millions of us do not align with what Labour Party stands for. If they win by super majority as most of media outlets predict, no self-respecting entrepreneur and tax paying worker will be safe. You and your grandchildren will carry the huge burden of debt.

Hence go and vote and do so wisely- look out for safeguarding our community.

BY:Desh Premi

(Disclaimer: This article represents the opinions of the Author, and the Author is responsible for ensuring the factual veracity of the content. Eshadoot will not be responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information, contained herein.)

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  1. Instead of sharing repeats and reforwarded videos showing other religious community’s antics both in India and UK this is the time to take positive action. First of all, get out and vote and do it in way to protect our interest. Unlike others, we do not demand much however it is interpreted as being disinterested and soft touch so that we will never know what our rights are and in case of vulnerable, elderly, less able we won’t avail social services or care benefits which are legitimately ours. By voting out those who speak ill of us would be our ‘kartavya’