Body and mind are entangled like hardware and software.


Vishwa Hindu Parishad Ilford Hindu Centre hosted an evening of lecture from a well-known Spiritual teacher from India, Swami Rakesh Ji, on Thursday 1st September 2022.

Swami ji has deep understood about Spirituality, Reiki, Eastern and Western philosophy, Meta Physics, Psycho-physics, tantra shastra, kundalini yoga etc.

He found inspiration in works of well-known saints and sages like Swami Vivekananda, Param Hansa Yoga Nanda, Ramakrishna Param Hansa, Yogi Arvind, Raman Maharshi, J. Krishnamurthy etc.

Swamiji’s ability to explain the ancient rituals in modern scientific light gives new vigour to the modern mind to perform and connect with different rituals that may have been suggested to them for their healing or spiritual upliftment.

While sacred Himalayas and Holy Ganges make him feel at home, he says, Swamiji has travelled all across India, North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and few other Asian countries. The teacher and healer in him has attracted friends / students from different regions and they have benefited from his life experiences and wisdom.

Here are excerpts from his talk:

  • Be sincere – this is where you are true to yourself. Be honest with yourself before you can be honest with others.
  • Upgrade, a word came only 30 years ago, yourself to be a better version.
  • We face pressure from different sources. If the pressure is in our magnetic field, then this helps one grow. If it is not the pressure causes stress.
  • Body and mind are entangled like hardware and software.
  • Man is a circumference. To be fulfilled one should find one’s centre. Yoga helps in finding the centre of your universe.
  • When you attune with yourself you affect people around you.
  • Live in consciousness, be always grateful.
  • Whilst exercising in the gym may strengthen biceps, yoga with breathing exercises or Asanas helps you connect with your inner body. If you send positive energy to a particular area of pain or disease it could help treat the disease.

Text:Ravi Bhanot ; Photos: Rikin Trivedi








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