Nature of Godess Kali


All  statues of deities in Hindu Dharma are symbolic. Beyond their forms, we must study the underlying messages they reflect. Indian images of God are frequently not attractive on purpose, so that the devotee is not misled into believing that any picture can ever define the Infinite.

Kali’s photos or statues are not that attractive. Nonetheless, many great saints have worshipped her. Needless to say, many Hindus, too, fail to understand this deep symbolism. Goddess Kali is the most misunderstood of all Hindu Goddesses, yet being the most powerful. Kali’s dark and violent appearance is surely daunting and difficult to accept, unless one is ready to observe beyond the mask of sensational pictures about her with discernment.

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, the one who introduced goddess Kali to the modern world as the Supreme Mother of the Universe. The inspiration of Ma Kali awakened India to its ancient spiritual history and offered the uniting message of yoga to the world via Ramakrishna.

This was during a period when colonial powers controlled the world and the concept of a Universal Mother was not accepted, much less a World Mother who was black in appearance and aggressive in demeanour from Bharat. However, rather than adopting Ramakrishna’s yogic teachings on Kali, most of the people now see her in an alien and degraded light.

According to the Vedic philosophy, Kali signifies ‘Kaal’. In Sanskrit; kaal has two meanings: Time and Darkness. The time is inseparable to the space. We all know that space is dark. So, the time is also considered as dark. Even Science proclaims that there are dark matter and dark energies filling out the 95% of the universe. The entire visible matters of this universe are only 5 %. So, the universe is filled mostly with the ‘darkness’, then light or visible substance.

Goddess Kali is “kala shakti”, or the power of time. She represents the mortality of all things, which is why she wears a skull garland. She is also the greatest transformative power of time, capable of bringing us from death to immortality. Kali is also boundless space, the limitless vacuum, as shown by Her dark blue colour. Her amazing transformational dance is all that lives.

Kali possesses the highest power, the lightning or electrical energy of consciousness. Her unbreakable energy manifests all the goddesses and the entire world. Kali’s mantra is known for power of transformation behind the vast moment of life.

Kali, despite popular opinion, is not the goddess of death and destruction, but rather represents the Divine’s total victory over all death and destruction. Her warrior goddess form dispels all mental illusions and exposes the eternal presence of our inmost Self, which is one with all.

One should Worship Kali, if you want to bring the Divine Light into the earth. She leads us from the deepest darkness to the brightest light.

Written By Anil Kumar.(Views are personal of the writer)


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  1. Guru Nanak dev ji and swami Dayanand ji have written enough on this suject. we donot need to write any more. Let people do what they want.