World stands by India amid Covid crisis


From supplying oxygen concentrators to vaccines, ventilators to masks — the global community has now come out to help India at this health crisis due to the second surge of the Covid-19 pandemic.

So far, at least 17 countries have come forward to help India, and they range from the neighbours to the major powers in the world. While Bhutan is going to supply oxygen, the US might be able to share AstraZeneca vaccines next month.

Among the countries that are sending support are the US, UK, France, Germany, Ireland, Belgium, Romania, Luxembourg, Portugal, Sweden, Australia, Bhutan, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong , Thailand and UAE among others.

While these are countries that have offered help, a large number of multinational companies — Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft among others — have also offered to pitch in.

The US expects that there are approximately 10 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine that could be released if and when FDA gives its concurrence in the coming weeks. An estimated additional 50 million doses that are in various stages of production, and these could be completed in stages across May and June. So, in sum, about 60 million doses of AstraZeneca that the US could share with other countries as they become available over the next two months. As these doses become available, the plans will be finalised as to where they would be sent.

Meanwhile, sources said that a high-level inter-ministerial group has established procedures for immediate clearance of these materials. The material would be dispatched promptly to the recipient institutions in various parts of the country in coordination with various government agencies, sources said.

Here are the offers made by various countries:

The UK

The UK made an announcement that 495 oxygen concentrators, 120 non-invasive ventilators and 20 manual ventilators, will be sent to India this week. Out of these, 100 ventilators and 95 oxygen concentrators already arrived on 27 April, 2021.


France would send relief material in two phases.

Phase I: (Arriving this week)

Eight large oxygen generating plants that can be installed quickly.Liquid Oxygen,Respiratory material – 28 respirators and their consumables and 200 electric syringe pushers.

Phase II: (Arriving next week) 5 liquid oxygen containers

Ireland: Ireland is to send 700 Oxygen concentrators this week. 1 oxygen generator; 365 ventilators.

Germany:Mobile oxygen production plant (will be made available for 3 months):120 ventilators,More than 80 million KN95 masks,Webinar on testing, RNA sequencing of Coronavirus

Belgium: 9,000 doses of antiviral medicines Remdesivir;

Romania: 80 oxygen concentrators and 75 oxygen cylinders;

Luxembourg: 58 ventilators;

Portugal: 5,503 vials of Remdesivir; 20,000 litres of oxygen per week.

Sweden: 120 ventilators.

Australia: Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on 27 April, 2021 that Australia will send 500 ventilators, 1 million surgical masks, 500,000 P2 and N95 masks, 100,000 goggles, 100,000 pairs of gloves and 20,000 face shields.

Bhutan will supply liquid oxygen to India from a new plant being set up at the Motanga Industrial Estate, Samdrup Jongkhar district by M/s S.D. Cryogenics Gases Pvt. Ltd., a Bhutanese company. Every day, 40 metric tonnes of liquid oxygen produced by the oxygen plant will be exported to Assam using cryogenic tankers. The oxygen plant has domestic investment of 51 per cent by M/s S D Cryogenics and FDI component of 49 per cent by Meghalaya Oxygen Pvt. Ltd., an Assam-based Indian company.

Support promised by others

Kuwait, Russia: Covid-19 medical supplies secured through private and other channels as on April 27, 2021:

1. Singapore : 500 BiPAPs, 250 oxygen concentrators, 4 Cryogenic Oxygen Containers & other medical supplies

2. Saudi Arabia : 80 MT of liquid oxygen (en route via sea)

3. Hong Kong : 800 Oxygen Concentrators

4. Thailand : 4 Cryogenic Oxygen Tanks

5. UAE : 6 Cryogenic Oxygen Containers

6. Germany: AFMS (Armed Forces Medical Services) is importing 23 mobile oxygen generation plants from Germany.

From the US administration:Oxygen generation and related supplies:

Considering supply of different components such as oxygen transport, oxygen generation, oxygen cylinders.

Pursuing options to provide oxygen generation systems, finalising options for contracting oxygen, including cylinders, working on oxygen generation systems, including larger-scale as well as smaller-scale units.

They are exploring the provision of field oxygen generation systems, which the US has used in its own field hospitals to provide oxygen for 50 to 100 beds.

In technical discussions with India to ensure that the equipment supplied will connect to devices in India. It will also provide training associated with all of these requests as needed. It is preparing to help with transportation of these and other supplies to India.

Therapeutics, personal protective equipment, and tests:

Identified US commercial suppliers of Remdesivir that are immediately available.

Identified rapid diagnostic testing supplies and PPEs to be transferred to India immediately.

Facilitating India’s own access to those supplies through US-based sources.

Vaccine raw materials:The US will approve supply of filters required for manufacture of Covishield vaccines.The US expects that there are approximately 10 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine that could be released if and when FDA gives its concurrence in the coming weeks. An estimated additional 50 million doses that are in various stages of production, and these could be completed in stages across May and June. So, in sum, about 60 million doses of AstraZeneca that the US could share with other countries as they become available over the next two months. As these doses become available, the plans will be finalised as to where they would be sent.

Technical expertise:USAID will work with CDC to support and fast-track mobilisation of emergency resources available to India through the Global Fund.

Under the Quad Vaccine Initiative, US Development Finance Corporation (DFC) is funding a substantial expansion of manufacturing capability for BioE, the vaccine manufacturer in India, enabling BioE to ramp up to produce at least 1 billion doses of Covid-19 vaccines by the end of 2022.

US private sector’s assistance to India

Google: Rs 135 crore in funding to GiveIndia and UNICEF for medical supplies, orgs supporting high-risk communities, and grants to help spread critical information.

Gilead offered a supply of 100,000 vials of Remdesivir free of cost to HLL. First and second consignments are expected to be shipped later this week. They can supply an additional amount of 200,000 vials by May 31, 2021. Some institutions in India will be provided raw material by Gilead for local production.

US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) – assisting with 12 ISO containers to help transport oxygen in India. They will airlift oxygen cylinders into India. Through donations from member companies, USISPF is sourcing 100,000 portable oxygen concentrators for use at home and hospitals to be shipped to India immediately. USISPF approached companies in the US to supply and/or donate ICU beds, Covid-Test kits, N-95 Masks and other medical equipment. USISPF is working with member companies and NGO partners to set up vaccination and medical centers on corporate campuses.

US-India Business Council (USIBC) members have stepped forward to offer resources for USIBC initiatives.

Procter & Gamble will contribute towards vaccination of over 5 lakh Indian citizens by pledging Rs 50 crore in partnership with government and local authorities in India. For every P&G employee in India, the company is contributing towards the vaccination of 100 Indians. In addition, the company will cover the vaccination cost of its over 5,000 employee force in India, and their eligible immediate family members.

The US Chamber of Commerce issued a statement on April 24, urging the US government to distribute its stockpiles of millions of doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine and provide other lifesaving medical resources to India and other countries.

Microsoft will continue to use its voice, resources, and technology to aid relief efforts, and support the purchase of critical oxygen concentration devices.

Apple announced that they will be donating to support and relief efforts on the ground.

Amazon has joined hands with ACT Grants, Temasek Foundation, Pune Platform for Covid-19 Response (PPCR) and other partners to urgently airlift over 8000 oxygen concentrators and 500 BiPAP machines from Singapore. Additionally, Amazon India is also procuring over 1500 oxygen concentrators and other critical medical equipment that will be donated to hospitals and medical facilities.

Deloitte is working with the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum, the US-India Business Council, the Business Roundtable and India’s Ambassador to the US to mobilise resources. More than forty CEOs of multinational companies came together this weekend to focus on immediate needs like oxygen concentrators, oxygen cylinders and generators, home monitoring kits and critical medicines. 1,000 oxygen concentrators provided by Deloitte on 26 April 2021 and an additional 11,000 being sourced by the end of this week from my fellow CEO colleagues, will help the wider international effort to assist the people of India.

(Source:Indian Express: Written by Shubhajit Roy )


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  1. It is heartening to know that so many countries are moved by the media pictures and lending their help bearing in mind that India produces 60% of the world’s vaccines. Although there are sections of both foreign and Indian media who keep coming back to play the blame game, anti-Modi rhetoric and spew fake news. Unlike Eshadoot, they do not report what GOI are actually doing. Let’s hope, with all assistance the situation stabilises and many of the masses have learnt their lesson of the consequences not to wear mask and where possible avoid social distance

  2. People of India must obey the rules to be folowed during Coronavirous period.Government also need to be disciplined not to arrange big gatherings in India, We must not see any crowds in India .