Unveiling Sewa International’s Dharma Report


Dear friends,
I would like to invite you to an online event on February 6, 2021 where Sewa International is going to release a report on the work done by Dharma (those representing Indic traditions) organizations in the US during the pandemic.

Sewa International worked with more than 500 dharma-based groups across the country and had a $30 million impact this past year. This instance of solidarity among Indian American community associations has saved lives, helped the homeless, and given courage and hope to thousands of worried families.

Dharma Report

Our report, titled “Joining Hands: A Community Effort to Fight the COVID-19 Pandemic” is an effort by us to showcase the work done by the dharmic community and thank our partners for joining hands with us to serve our country in this hour of crisis.

Cogressman  Ami Bera and representatives from national emergency and disaster management organizations like the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), AmeriCorps, National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD), and OneStar will speak at the event. The event will be streamed live via Facebook at 4 PM EST on Saturday, February 6.




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  1. We need more effective efforts like this and co-ordinated action as regards preserving our religion, culture, and dharma. There have numerous attacks and mocking of or deities whether mainstream media in India or the West and any inaction will in the end render us voiceless