Goodbye 2020 and Hello 2021


Whilst most of the UK is now under tier 4 of COVID-19 rules there will not be many disappointed to see the end of 2020. Millions all over the world are still reflecting upon how the virus started, who was responsible for spread, how did their respective governments deal with the issue and varying degrees of success they achieved.

Many lives have been lost, interestingly in the richer northern hemisphere nations compared to say in Africa. The pandemic has caused even wider rift between the haves and have not’s which is easy to see from the list of exempted countries where one can travel in the Foreign & Commonwealth Office website. Equally devastating is mental health status of those who are already vulnerable and even more afflicted due massive change in their personal circumstances.

The cities are deserted, economy crumbling, UK Government handing out billions to be beleaguered employees will otherwise would be a socialist dream. Working practice changed dramatically and companies who were suspicious of staff working from home are adapting to the new normal. Because of massive public transport journeys reduction even Transport for London had to bag for more money. Children are home-schooling, Universities struggling with students’ infections and police trying to impose social distancing rule.

The gig economy due to online shopping has increased multi-fold at the expense of established high street department stores. Hospitality industry now decimated, and thousands had to cancel weddings and other social functions. At least the construction work has carried on albeit with increase health & safety rules.

The media and some opposition politicians have field day criticising the Government who, however, can only follow the scientific data and act upon their advice. No one is right or wrong.

Most of us doubt the role of China in dealing with or containing the virus and as we write, suppressing validated news from Wuhan and other megapolis. Their economy is ahead than rest of the world and as many conspiracy theorists believe, it could be a start of them taking over the world. With strategic infrastructure, ports, Belt and Road initiative the onslaught continues, and it is up to countries like India to thwart the Communist regime’s hidden agenda.

Across the pond Donald Trump lost U.S.A elections to team Biden with the first Indian origin and woman vice president Kamala Harris. The new administration has already appointed several Indian Americans in key posts, sign of new era for the politics of the sub-continent.

So, on the New Year’s Eve with hardly any prospects of mass celebrations and fireworks what do we expect and what have we learned?

I believe we must be positive, bearing mind that vaccination has already commenced, more testing is available and provided people are disciplined we can all contribute to come out of the pandemic.

We must appreciate the gallant efforts by the NHS staff who during the first wave without any PPE battled with the new virus and now back in frontline with the variant albeit with more knowledge of the beast. The same goes to delivery and essential shop staff and those who have day to day contact with the public who gave their service in the face of a dangerous environment.

We have noticed tangible benefits to the environment due to lesser car journeys, we now hear and see more birds in our gardens, people learning to cook and perhaps started communication via video links. We have seen more families with kids out in the park with their bikes enjoying the outdoors.

We learned new techniques and were able to address the work-life balance and slowly many youngsters who cannot afford to buy homes in the cities are able to move out to outer suburbs as employers see benefits in down-sizing their offices. We have less craving for wasting money on new clothes or material possessions as we realise little will do.

Air travel and tourism industry are massively hit on the other hand this should give fillip to local economy as we will try and discover new places in our own country.

Many coming out University with a degree must ponder how to get employment and just like how many industries changed their practices to suit the situation they too will need to be agile and use their knowledge to apply for a particular task.

When we look back in history after the Spanish flu last century all the western colonial powers after two world war prospered. Japan skilfully recovered even after two atom bombs. South Korea prospered post 1960 taking Japanese model to concentrate on education and heavy industries and now is in enviable position to serve the world. So, the only way is up.

On other matters, those who have followed the current Farmers agitation in India, British Indians must ensure that fake news and social media clips are not forwarded. PM Modiji’s total dedication to the unity and prosperity of all in India is not liked by certain politicians who had to suffer successive defeats in municipal, panchayat and assembly elections. The most gaoling misinformation is these parties and even Farmer’s Union stated in their respective manifestos during 2019 elections same reforms as the new laws. We ought to be vigilant of which British political party is acting in the interest of India, I know some Labour MPs have a futile habit of writing criticizing letters to the U.K. PM about any good laws passed by democratically elected Modi, not because they care about India but to appease their voter base.

India will take over China in world population in next few decades and anything happening economically, health wise or politically will affect rest of the world. In a recent post award speech by the great industrialist Ratan Tata thank Shri Narendra Modi for his efforts in dealing with the pandemic and leading India in difficult times, saying ‘You have not dithered, you have not escaped’

And this is the message Eshadoot will like to give to our readers for the new year. We thank you for your kind support throughout the year in reading a variety of positive Indian stories, not often vastly highlighted in other U.K. media and appreciate your comments

We Wish You a Very Safe Happy and Prosperous 2021!

Jai Hind: DeshPremi@eshadoot


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