Non Resident Indians in Ayodhya


In continuation to my article which was published last month regarding the problems the NON RESIDENT Indians were facing in India.

I was in conversation with a friend Dr Austine Sequeira who is an expert for infrastructure projects in Africa and a financial consultant, based currently in India.

The construction of Ram Temple Ayodhya , UP can be a BIG opportunity exclusively for the NRI’s as Modi Ji has been inviting the NRI’s to come back to India to do investments. By this not only the NRI will head back to India but it will also boost Tourism sector and it will be a sense of security for the NRI’s that their country wants them back.

The NRI community can construct hotels , furnished apartments etc in that region as the infrastructure which is being build to connect the 4 Dham Yatra Ayodhya can also be a part of the Yatra. The NRI community not only has the economic strength but also possesses “global learning” which is very much essential for today’s India to transit into tomorrow’s universal standards. While the Indian laws allow reservations for downtrodden in every spare of economy, no opportunities are reserved for NRIs.

This will boost the NRI’s who are specially based in the Gulf region it will be a welcome gift from Modi Government exclusively. This will not only increase the influx of FDI in India but also boost the economy and create jobs for the jobless in the current scenario of the Pandemic for which the globe is struggling for a break through.

Today India is the only country where the scope of Investment returns will be high and secured specially for the NRI sector. Construction of Lord Rama’s Temple at his birthplace in Ayodhya is expected to create a global pilgrimage centre which may not have any parallel in decades to come. The religious tourism at Ayodhya will generate huge opportunities and every Indian feel that such opportunities should be converted into world class experiences. India is no more a land of elephants and scorpions but a modern, self-sustained, thriving economy laced with a vibrant democracy. The Indian leadership can redeem itself towards the NRI’s by reserving opportunities for NRI investment in religious tourism.

The land should be given for 99 year lease period.

The opportunity should be given to Indians who are living abroad for more than 25 years and not to the NRI community who want to have the Status to evade taxation in India.

Yes, I do understand the government will have to face a few challenges on the FDI and illegal Influx of funds in the country. But I’m very sure and positive this particular angle can be handled very well by the government.

Ayodhya the City of Ram, where Rama Rajya means Divine Raj, the Kingdom of God, sovereignty of the people based on pure moral authority. Rama Rajya was the Dream of Mahatma Gandhi to ensure equal rights to prince and poor man.

This is a very good opportunity for the government to prove the NRI’s are welcome and not have a step behaviour towards the NRI’s.

Lastly , We are all aware the Muscle power and Red Tapism is very high in UP but to prove the name Ram Rajya in Ayodhya the government has to look into that aspect if they seriously want NRI FDI.

With the current government as Shri Narendra Modi Ji the PM and CM Shri Yogi Adityanath Ji, I don’t think it will be difficult to achieve this milestone.

My humble prayer to the government of India to give this exclusive rights on to the HINDU NRI based globally.: Jai Hind

NirmalaNirmala Shahani, Dubai



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  1. All good ideas if corruption can be eradicated
    NRIs are seen as sitting ducks by locals who may be prone to cheat even in Ayodhya but an independently supervised investment flow as well as the Imported technology should benefit tourism sector