We are still living in the Ramayan and Mahabharat era in Kaliyuga


Draupadi is the daughter-in-law of the family.

Also known as Yagnas Eni, Panchali and Krishna.

Today we see every family has a Draupadi and she is instrumental in breaking the family.On the other hand, we also see how Draupadi is treated in the family.

When we talk about the character of Draupadi we have a different image but the image and character of Draupadi is very much different in today’s era.

Today all families have character of Draupadi. This is none but the daughter-in-law of the family. Some daughter-in-law’s some make the family and some break the family by which I mean they split the family. At least 60% of the families who have the daughter-in-law dominates the son and they leave the parents and siblings to lead a life of their own.

The other 40% who are Yagnas Eni of the family who look after the whole family devotedly are given full respect but it’s conditional. This is the category who are dedicated but at the same time don’t voice out Because they want to have a great image, then it doesn’t matter any situation.

There are some Draupadis who are treated like filth and ultimately, they either leave the family commit suicide Because the family demands heavy dowry for their good for nothing son.

In Ramayan, not offending any feelings Ram send away Sita to Rishi Valmiki ashram for no fault of hers just Because Lord Rama wanted to prove to the kingdom that he is a King who wants to justify that all are same be it family or his kingdom.

On the other hand, in Mahabharat Yudhistra gambles and loses Draupadi to Duryodhana. And Karna calls her a prostitute.

Even today the same situation is there when a young qualified girl wants to get a good position in her work place she has to sacrifice a lot. If there is a rebel then her options to get a good job is limited as the position holders threaten that she will not get a position in any other office, she gives in Not Because she wants to but situation of her family demands as she the bread winner of the family.

Some of them are power hungry and don’t care for the sacrifice or in other words the modern give and take Principe.

This situation is not only in India but globally.

Why can’t we come out of the Ramayana and Mahabharata era and treat Draupadi with respect and unconditional love?

NirmalaBy Nirmala Shahani, Dubai

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