Election 2019 MASALA -Part Three



We are well into the campaign season and with a narrow win in the first TV debate the Tories seem to be more enthused. Corbyn’s Brexit confusion was once again evidenced as his party is planning to hold yet another referendum. Tories interestingly changed their Twitter Press account of CCHQ for the duration of the interview to ‘factcheck’ drawing criticism in making public think it was an official site giving opinions on Corbyn.

For the Indian diaspora, it was reported from Leicester East constituency that in spite of Labour majority a candidate who presided over the article 370 issue motion in their recent conference is chosen in lieu of a well-known Gujarati. The emotions are running high and one of the famous vegetarian restaurateurs confirmed the widely held opinion among Hindus and Indians on social media to boycott Labour. We had similar news from Nottingham too. It is worth noting that out of the 36 safe Labour seats, there is only one candidate of Indian origin proving that Labour in their greedy stance of getting votes from their  traditional supporters are ignoring the wishes of Indians and Hindus.

In Ilford South a very hopeful Sikh leader of Labour run council was deselected at the last minute in lieu of someone living in Brighton who claims to be from Ilford because he went to school there! The sitting veteran Labour MP Mr Gapes who has already gone Independent on Remain ticket is fighting alone against his old party and is probably likely to get support from disaffected Sikhs and fellow Indian voters.

Both main parties are trying to call the other’s bluff when various figures on economy are published. Labour on £10per hour min. wage, on Spend and Nationalisation mode whereas Conservatives promising to deliver Brexit, make £100 billion investment on infrastructure, 20,000 more police officers over next three years, £2.7 billion for six new hospitals and £7.1 billion a year more for schools in England by 2022-23. SNP want to stop Brexit, spend £20 billion for climate change, 1p rise in Income tax and more investment in schools.

From our traditional cultural background we have resisted temptation of being State dependent and we strive to keep the next generation clear of debt. Labour Party’s policy and their forthcoming manifesto will no doubt be anti-business, anti-self-sufficiency, more borrowing and divisive on religious matters.  This is already proven by the on-going anti-Semitism enquiries and the way they handled Indian government’s decision of abrogation of article 370 to entice their Muslim voters.

We urge the wider community and their leaders to carefully and tactfully use their vote especially in marginal constituency and report on any electoral fraud or misinformation.


Desh Premi

(Disclaimer: This article represents the opinions of the Author, and the Author is responsible for ensuring the factual veracity of the content. Eshadoot will not be responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information, contained herein.)



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