Is Britain the worse governed nation in EU?


BY Bhupendra Gandhi 

BP GandhiNot too long ago, Britain ruled over quarter of the world land-mark, with some 30 major civilized countries and one third world population living under British rule, stretching from Hong Kong in the Far East to West Indies and British Guyana in the West and Falkland Islands in the extreme South. India was the jewel in the crown of the British Empire. Losing India brought the British Empire to early retreat and the end of British dream and ambition to be a major global military power and Britannia to rule the waves.

How mighty have fallen! It seems now Britain can hardly govern itself, let alone other countries. Still it has illusion to be the moral authority to police the world. Then it is same for all former glorified States and civilization, all over the world. Italy boasted Roman Empire, one of the best organized and well-run, well ruled Empire at the time! Similarly, Turkey had Ottoman Empire that ruled most of Eastern Europe, stretching to Middle East and North Africa, even Persia, (Iran) ruled part of Europe, Asia and North Africa, established by Persian warrior king Suleiman.

Then there was Greek, Macedonia, led by Alexander the Great, Byzantium, Moghul, Japanese, Chinese and a few more countries who ruled part of ancient world, at one time or another. But most of these countries have not only lost their power, their moral authority but even the ability to govern themselves wisely and efficiently and that unfortunately includes Britain.

Reminiscing the recent past history since the end of WW2, Britain hardly had politicians we could boast of with the exception of a tiny few and that include Sir Winston Churchill, Lad Margaret Thatcher and the Labour Cabinet under Clement Atlee, that won the election just eight weeks after the surrender of Germany, in 1945, when the war in the East with Japan was not yet over.

The fiery Welsh politician Aneurin Bevan (1945-51), a son of a miner and himself a miner who went underground in coal mines, at the tender age of 13. He will always be remembered with affection, as he gave the nation Health Service which has now become a hall-mark of a civilized society. His lead was followed by many Western nations in Europe, America and Far East.

Tony Blair could have gone down in history as one of the best Labour PM after Atlee if he had not been manipulated by US President Bush and led this country into a disastrous, unjustified war with Iraq that has destabilized Middle East. He was completely ignorant of the nature of the Iraqi population, divided between Shia and Sunni with Kurds, more or less self-governing the northern Iraq.

The same mistake was committed by David Cameron who, along with France invaded Libya, dethroned Colonial Mohamed Al Ghaddafi and turned a stable country into permanent civil war among its different tribes, an oil rich nation with one of the highest living standards in the world, now reduced to a third world status. As usual, Western nations invade other countries and after dethroning the dictator they do not like or approve, leave the country in a mess, on their own to rebuild the nation as best as they could. So often they implement the policy of “Divide and Rule” so successful in India under British Raj!

When Mrs May took over the reign, most British people, especially Conservative supporters hoped that she would follow into the foot-steps of illuminating Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher, wielding her hand bag as a weapon to keep unelected EU bureaucrats like EU President Jean-Claude Juncker, Chief Negotiator Michael Barmier and busybody Donald Tusk at bay? Instead PM May was isolated, humiliated by tiny nations of no importance like Malta, Cyprus and some East European countries who were more or less Russian colonies under Soviet Union! If she had walked out, the nation would have stood behind her. It was not only her humiliation but it was a humiliation for the British nation.

But PM May’s judgement has always been questionable. She called unnecessary general election in 2016 when the Conservatries enjoyed unprecedented 20 % lead in the opinion poll, expecting to at least double their slim majority. Instead she badly lost her overall majority, mainly due to her unbelievable manifesto many called a lengthy suicide note and her poor performance when faced with a determined Labour campaign.

Now Britain is disentangling itself from the fractious political and economic block, at a time when we are celebrating 75th anniversary of 1944 D-Day invasion, losing our dedicated and courageous 22500 British soldiers. If it had failed, Europe could have been under fascist rule, the consequences of such a scenario is unthinkable. In view of EU hostility and little appreciation, many British people wonder whether our sacrifice was worth it!

British politicians and media have continuously spread gloom and doom if Britain has to leave EU without agreement, while the truth is that with some £90 billion trade deficit in favour of EU and German cars clogging our roads, EU and especially Ireland will be at more disadvantage than Britain, that is if our politicians have self-belief, courage and act accordingly. Only advantage EU has is its 27 members and their belief in their own ability, unlike Britain!




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  1. Lot of good points and yes Conservative manifesto if Mrs May allowed the rest of the cabinet before publishing I am sure Labour and the left wouldn’t have made a meal out of it. Corbyn’s party still didn’t get enough to form government and in ensuing divisive votes on Brexit by the MPs it is clear that referendum decision seems to be disregarded. I would like to think, as someone whose children are born here that we do better after Brexit. I work for a big French company and they are here to stay and in fact three French companies in the same field opened their office within last year! The remoaners and their friends in Media like the London evening paper editior are nothing but rude to Mrs May who by the way was the longest serving Home Minister. Cornyn and his lot never offered anything except for his phoney dream of calling and winning general election. UK has great history and like many empires it became complacent and un-elected EU leaders are determined to make us weaker. I think we have to stand stronger, use the commonwealth nations group to further survival and deliver Brexit