“Ram Naam Sahai”- Rama – Premier deity of Hindus


History of Shree Ram Janmabhoomi, Ayodhya

By Hasmukh Velji Shah

Hasmukh Velji Shah-2It is said that the history of a vanquished nation is always written by the vanquisher. In the case of Bharat and Hindus, their history has been distorted and re-written, first by the Moghuls, the British, the Portuguese, and finally by the Delhi Lutyens (Indians educated and trained to think and act for their colonial masters after Independence to carry on their policy of Divide & Rule – these include politicians, media persons {whose livelihood is dependent on crumbs thrown by their benefactors}, so-called intellectuals, JNU & AMU professors, left leaning socialists & historians, Marxists, Maoists, etc., all known as URBAN NAXALs ) only to justify their invasion and inhuman rule.

From birth to death, Shree Ram Bhagwan’s name is on every Hindu’s lips, mind and in heart. S/he remembers Him thousands of times, at every turn of life, may it be first words spoken, first nursery rhyme, sacred Janiu thread sacrament, first graduation, marriage to attaining family hood, and finally to Vanprastha (Samaj Sewa), renunciation (detachment) and Samadhi (16th Sanskaar – death) Hindus recite Ram Naam Satya Hei, as if it is their life line, their oxygen, their every breath contains atoms of Shree Ram. Not only that, the Universe is balanced because of His Salvation. He is Itihaas, i.e. History, not mythology or a figment of imagination, as some fool hardy politician would have us believe.

Bhagwan Shree Ram’s birth, according to our Scriptures, is in the Treta Yuga, i.e. 891,656 years ago. And this took place in the most sacred Pilgrimage City of Hindus, AVADH (ref: Valmiki Ramayana), Ayodhya on the banks of Saryu River.

Brief Itihaas – History of Shree Ram Janmabhoomi & AyodhyaRead Hindu Voice of 30th Oct 1990, published by Madhav Publishers.

And there stands history of Hindus wrapped in a time capsule, many times mauled by marauders and hordes of invaders, who just wanted to erase from the minds, souls and hearts of the Hindus the name of Shree Ram, their Premier Deity, as if HE never existed, only to assert that Hindus were their slaves.

*H.R. Neville, the editor of the Faizabad District Gazetteer (1870), wrote that the Janmasthan temple “was destroyed by Babur and replaced by a mosque.” He also wrote “The Janmasthan was in Ramkot and marked the birthplace of Rama. In 1528 A.D. Babur came to Ayodhya and halted here for a week. He destroyed the ancient temple and on its site built a mosque, still known as Babur’s mosque. The materials of the old structure [i.e., the temple] were largely employed, and many of the columns were in good preservation.”[12][13] WikiPedia

The marauder Islamist Moghul invader Babur came to AVADH in 1528 and according to the Journalist H R Neville*, above, he destroyed the Temple dedicated to Shree Rama and in its place built Babri Masjid known until 1949 as Masjid Janmasthan. This was only to add salt to the deep sentimental wound he inflicted on the Hindus to proclaim that he had enslaved their Premier God Rama.

Many attempts were made since then to reclaim the control of Rama Janmasthan, most notably by the Great Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj, the Tenth Sikh Guru acknowledged by all as Sant Yodha – saint warrior.

Before the 1940s, the Babri Masjid was called Masjid-i-Janmasthan (“mosque of the birthplace”) – Question is whose Janmasthan? Further – Shykh Muhammad Azamat Ali Kakorawi Nami (1811–1893) wrote: “the Babari mosque was built under the patronage of Sayyid Musa Ashiqan in the Janmasthan temple in Faizabad-Avadh, which was a great place of (worship) and capital of Rama’s father”[11] WikiPedia

In the 1980s, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and other Hindu groups launched a campaign to construct the Ram Janmabhoomi Mandir (“Rama birthplace temple”) at the site. The Rajiv Gandhi government allowed Hindus to access the site for prayers.[18] On 6 December 1992, Hindus demolished the mosque [19] wikiPedia


And the role of the Supreme Court (SC) is not too honourable either. Since 2016 the matter has been registered in the Apex court, but for reasons only known to SC, it is dragging its feet to give a judgement – read Dr Subramanian Swami’s press note on Supreme Court’s role.

The so called “urban naxal intellectuals & politicians of Independent India, educated while clothed in a brown skin but with a colonial psyche” are exhorting themselves to eliminate this most sacred part of our historical DNA, thinking that there is a prize at the end of a gripping competition to Break Hindus and Bharat Mata along the fault line of lies imposed upon them that Bhagwan Shree Rama is just a figment of imagination and He was never born in AVADH, or AYODHYA. This is their game plan. That Ayodhya is just another city among many hundreds in Bharat, with many more thousands of temples built to worship an imaginary Bhagwan. Will these Urban Naxal Intellectuals even dare to spread the same lies about Prophets of other faiths? No, they would be too frightened to earn the wrath of other faith groups. But also because Hindu Majority of over 1 billion have no rights of their own in their country, they are considered less than EQUALs by the vote bank seeking politicians.

The World Hindus are now demanding that the Government of Bharat should bring about without any more delay and hurting the sentiments of Hindus, an Ordinance in the Parliament, as it has the power to do so, giving permission to build a most magnificent Temple dedicated to Bhagwan Shree Rama at His Birthplace (Janmasthan) at the earliest. This is the desire of every Hindu in the world.

It is a matter of deep faith of Hindus that Shree Rama is their Premier Deity and that He is the EPOCH making History for them. Any attempt to denigrate this faith in Shree Rama will be resisted and their Right of Worship will be protected.

Jai Jai Shree Rama

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  1. Sadar Pranaam Anil Ji

    Your acknowledgement and support for the cause of the very life line of Hindus, Shree Rama, is very much appreciated. We as British Hindus stand as ONE to press for a Government Ordinance to start construction of a magnificent Mandir In Ayodhya at Shree Rama’s Janmabhoomi now rather than wait for the Supreme Court to hear the case out.

    Dhanyavaad & Pranaam

  2. Sadar Pranaam Anil Ji

    Your acknowledgement and support for the cause of the very life line of Hindus, Shree Rama, is very much appreciated. We as British Hindus stand as ONE to press for a Government Ordinance to start construction of a magnificent Mandir In Ayodhya at Shree Rama’s Janmabhoomi now rather than wait for the Supreme Court to hear the case out.

    Dhanyavaad & Pranaam