Indian High Commissioner to UK Y.K.Sinha retires


Indian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Y.K Sinha’s farewell dinner hosted by Rami Ranger and the Conservative Friends of India on 17 October 2018 to mark the end of the two year term of perhaps one of the most talented Indian diplomats to hit the shores of the United Kingdom.

YK Sinha-2                                  Pranav Bhanot with Y.K.Sinha

In my view, without a doubt, the energy, enthusiasm and engagement Y.K Sinha has demonstrated across the political, arts and business communities has distinguished him from previous diplomats from the subcontinent.

The soon to retire diplomat has managed to consistently understand his importance in the role of developing and keeping in focus the relations between India and the UK during this crucial time, whilst remaining humble and ready to engage with community members spanning the UK. Irrespective of status, political or social background, this seasoned diplomat has shown just how human he can be even if he is representing a nation of over one billion on our Isles.

During our conversation this evening, Y.K Sinha spoke about his real optimism in the youth of both countries in playing an intrinsic role in developing stronger relations across a number of fields including the arts, politics, finance, medicine and in creating smarter cities in both the UK and India. Whilst it is not uncommon for some members of the establishment to dismiss the youth voice in the role of developing geopolitical relations, Y.K Sinha has championed it.

Y.K Sinha along with his team (Deputy H.C Dinesh Patnaik and Aseem Vohra to name a few) have welcomed an unprecedented number of initiatives including lighting the London Eye for Diwali, celebrating national youth day, launching INSA UK, welcoming the Indian PM to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference, launched the UK-India Year of Culture, launched the UK-India Legal Exhange programme and has been involved in seeing closer ties between the two countries in the fields of science, technology start ups and defence.

On 31 October 2018, Y.K Sinha will depart from the UK for the final time as a diplomat, whilst we are unsure when he is likely to return, what we can be sure about is that he will be sorely missed and has left very large boots to fill by the incoming High Commissioner.

A quote by Rudyard Kipling best sums the personality of this  diplomat, “If you can walk with a crowd and keep your virtue, or walk with kings nor lose the common will be a man.”

Wishing Y.K Sinha a very happy retirement.

Pranav Bhanot


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