Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar met Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in New Delhi on May 9, 2017, before officially beginning the promotional spree for the upcoming social bio pic ‘Toilet – Ek Prem Katha’ . The Superstar made PM Shri Narendra Modi smile when he shared the unconventional title of the film ‘Toilet – Ek Prem Katha’. This film based on ‘Clean India – Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ – an initiative by the Indian government to make Indian citizens aware of sanitation conditions in India, talks about sanitation and the need to have a toilet in every household to reduce health issues among women and children who are extremely prone to the unhealthy environment due to open defecation. The film also stars Bhumi Pednekar in the lead role.

 The Bollywood superstar took to twitter to express his happiness and gratitude on meeting the Prime Minister. He wrote, “Met PM @narendramodi and got the opportunity to tell him about my upcoming ‘Toilet-Ek Prem Katha.’ His smile at just the title made my day!”

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 At the recently concluded 64th National Film Awards, Akshay Kumar was conferred the Best Actor Award for his magnanimous role as Naval Commander Rustom Pavri in the 2016 crime thriller Rustom. Inspired by the 1959 Nanavati case, this Akshay Kumar starrer was a critically acclaimed and equally successful film.

 After delivering a high profile roster of successful films in 2016 with Airlift to Rustom, and kick-starting 2017 with a bang with Jolly LL.B 2, one can safely say that Akshay Kumar is the most bankable star in India, winning both critical and audience acclaim.

 2017 also sees Akshay Kumar in a series of standout films including Toilet – Ek Prem Katha, Padman, and the mega budget sci-fi film 2.0 with Rajnikanth.

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